martedì 9 luglio 2019


Questa pianta carosello aveva la sorte segnata. Le foglie stavano paurosamente ingiallendo e di frutti manco l'ombra. Sono bastate una dose di solfato di ferro e una di pollina e si è ripresa in poco tempo. Ora le foglie sono di nuovo di un bel verde vivace...
(1) Carosello Melone Tarantino, ex Varietà Ovale Sconosciuta

... e in più, fatto non trascurabile, si è pure messo a fruttificare:
(2) Primo frutto di Carosello Melone Tarantino

Tra l'altro, seminando questa varietà, non sapevo cosa sarebbe venuto fuori. Alla fine si è rilevata essere una pianta di Carosello Melone Tarantino che ho già coltivato nel 2016. Qui con un peponide di Carosello Barese:
(3) Carosello Melone Tarantino e Carosello Barese

Un altro "meloncino" è quasi pronto da raccogliere:
(4) Secondo peponide di Carosello Melone Tarantino


The doom of the carosello vine on picture 1 was sealed. Its leaves were awfully  going yellow and there were no trace of fruits. Thanks to a dose of  ferrous sulphate and a one of chicken droppings, the vine recovered in a short time. Now its leaves are again lively green.

It isn't negligible that it has started bearing fruit (2 and 4). Moreover, when I sowed this variety, I didn't know what would come out. At the end it turned out to be a Carosello Melone Tarantino I  have already grown in 2016.

2 commenti:

  1. Dear Giuseppe,

    Thank you so much for your picture and post.

    If the carosello variety that you have pictured is the unknown oval carosello I posted about last year, then I would have to say that it is quite different form the Carosello Melone Tarantino. The Carosello Tarantino Melone that I grew last summer has a much more dense rind, with extremely crunchy flesh that has very minimal water content. The skin of the Carosello Tarantino Melone remains hard throughout most of its growth and it turns a yellow/orange color when it ripens (for seed). On the other hand, the unknown oval carosello that you have seed of from my growing last year has relatively tender skin with juicy flesh and is colored somewhere between a Carosello Massafrese and ripens as dark as a Carosello Massafrese.

    Perhaps this unknown variety is somewhere between the Carosello Massafrese and the Mandurian Round?

    1. Dear Jay,

      what we can do is to keep a watchful eye on it. Anyway, the rind of this variety seems to me as dense as the Carosello Melone Tarantino. The colour as well...

