martedì 30 aprile 2019


Pochi minuti fa ho messo a dimora i caroselli della prima semina: Tondo Barese, varietà ovale sconosciuta, Barese, Spuredda Leccese con macchie più chiare, Tondo di Massafra.
(1) Caroselli pugliesi: prima semina

Sono stati seminati tra il 20 e il 23 marzo. A tutt'oggi sono già così:
(2) Carosello Tondo Barese: una delle cinque varietà

Per la seconda semina, se ne parla quando saranno finiti i lavori sul balcone più grande.


A few minutes ago I have put in the first sowing's caroselli: Barese Round, unknown oval variety, Barese, Spuredda Leccese with lighter splotches, Massafra Round (pic 1).

I sowed all five varieties between 20th and 23rd of March. As of today, they are like on pic 2.

As regards the second sowing, everything is put off till the end of the works on the larger balcony.

4 commenti:

  1. Dear Giuseppe,

    All your Caroselli in your first sowing look great. I noticed the flooring. Now that the balcony is under construction, are you growing indoors?

    1. Dear Jay,

      I always grow tomatoes, eggplants, peppers and caroselli indoors in their first stage of growth. Yesterday I leave outdoors all of them for the first time. I covered the caroselli shown in this post with thick plastic coverings. I'll do that as far as the night temperature gets milder. Here night temperature is still around 10° Celsius.


    2. Questo commento è stato eliminato dall'autore.

    3. That's pretty cool for Carosello!
