sabato 15 giugno 2019

CAROSELLI - aggiornamento

Ancora un piccolo aggiornamento sui miei caroselli.
(1) Frutto minuscolo di Spuredda Leccese Scura

Anche se ancora molto piccolo, credo che andrà a maturazione. Si intravede un altro piccolo carosello sotto, ma ho paura che stia ingiallendo, cosa comunque normale. La maggior parte dei caroselli muore nella primissima fase di crescita. La peluria che si nota scomparirà quasi completamente a maturazione.

CAROSELLI - update

Another little update about my caroselli. Even if it is still very small, I think the fruit in the photo is going to get to a complete ripening. You can also catch a sight of another tiny fruit underneath, but I am afraid it is turning yellow, which is normal anyway. Most of caroselli die when they are at their very first stage of growth. The fuzz you can see will disappear almost completely when the carosello is ripe.

2 commenti:

  1. That plant is looking very good, Giuseppe. I have had such a hard time with pollination this year. Very few bees have been seen. It probably has to do with all the pesticides people put in their yards and gardens. I have been having to hand-pollinate everything.

    1. Hi Jay,

      So far I've seen very few bees on my balcony. This morning I was surprising in seeing two of them at a time!!!
