sabato 21 marzo 2020

CAROSELLI - cronaca del 21 marzo

Come l'anno scorso, ho fatto coincidere il primo giorno di primavera con la prima semina di caroselli. Grazie ad Angelo Passalacqua, sono riuscito ad avere i semi di due varietà salentine rare, il Cucummaru di San Donato e la Meloncella Tonda di Galatina, praticamente sconosciute al di fuori dei loro luoghi d'origine. "Cucummaru" e "Meloncella" sono alcuni tra i molti termini locali salentini per indicare i caroselli.
(1) Caroselli 2020

- Cucummaru di San Donato 
- Meloncella Tonda di Galatina (custode 1)
- Meloncella Tonda di Galatina (custode 2)
- Carosello di Manduria
- Carosello Tondo di Manduria
- Carosello Melone Tarantino


CAROSELLI - report of the 21st of March

As last year, I've made the first sowing of caroselli coincide with the first day of springtime. Thanks to Angelo Passalacqua, I got two rare varieties seeds from Salento, the San Donato Cucummaru and the Galatina Round Meloncella, practically unknown outside their place of origin. Both words, "Cucummaru" and "Meloncella", are among the many local terms to indicate "Caroselli".

- San Donato Cucummaru
- Galatina Round Meloncella (seedsaver 1)
Galatina Round Meloncella (seedsaver 2)
- Carosello Manduria
- Carosello Round Manduria
- Carosello Melon Tarantino

2 commenti:

  1. Dear Giuseppe,

    What made you settle on growing out the Melon Tarantino?

    I found this carosello to have a more hard and dry texture throughout its growth. These traits would be preferable for pickling, but not so much for fresh eating unless you prefer a carosello that is more stiff and dry than the half long of Polignano and Barese.

    As I have said earlier, the Striped Leccese has been my favorite so far. I am anxious to find out how you enjoy its qualities in comparison to other carosello in the areas of overall quality, taste, texture and juiciness.

  2. Dear Jay,

    I grew The Carosello Melone Tarantino in 2016. I don't remember it as stiff and dry. I remember it quite soft and juicy. Its taste was like that of Barattiere. Only its skin was almost as hard as a melon one. I want to cultivate some of your varieties of Striped Leccese in the second and third sowing period (late May and late June).

